Congratulations to Sarah Grcevich, Rob Parker, and Katie Hockert on winning a term on the Stillwater Area School Board! Thank you for stepping up to serve our communities.
Congratulations to Katie Swor, Kita Yang, Nancy Livingston, and Char Nitardy on winning a term on the North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale School Board! Thank you for stepping up to serve our communities.
Our 2023 Juneteenth Celebration was such a fun event. Thank you to all who came out to join us. A special thank you to the City of Woodbury for creating this video of our event.
Our Mission is to learn about systemic inequalities and racial injustices in our community in order to seek solutions to change the status quo. Our Vision is to have a Woodbury where everyone has an equal opportunity and feels welcomed.
This group was created first on Nextdoor for our neighbors in Woodbury to learn more about social injustice from the people who are experiencing it and most importantly to join the fight to change the status quo. This is only possible if we stand in solidarity to promote equality. We can start change in our own backyard and this will go a long way in changing the world.
While we do have a group of over 500 members online, a core leadership group as organized and meets monthly to plan our next projects. Walter Dobgima is the President and founder of the group. Please contact us if you would be interested in being part of the core team.